Inspiration, Resources & Education Lauren Day Inspiration, Resources & Education Lauren Day

Getting the Entryway Holiday & Winter Ready: The Design + Plan

Each one of our rooms starts with a floor plan, a list of objectives and changes, a shopping list and a design board. Even the smallest rooms like our entry need a game plan to make sure our budget, aesthetic and project list are all aligned. The design for the entry is neutral and modern with lots of textures and smart storage.

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Resources & Education Lauren Day Resources & Education Lauren Day

Turning a Century-Old House into a Smart, Secure Home

Our house built in 1900 was updated with a few pieces of hardware and tech that can be controlled and checked on no matter how far away we are. These changes needed to be made no matter what but having a tiny human to protect has brought home just how important it is to have a safe and secure place to live. Plus, with Christmas just around the corner, being able to keep an eye on delivered packages and secure our home while here and away is invaluable.

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Resources & Education, Process Lauren Day Resources & Education, Process Lauren Day

Kitchen Progress + How To Install Stock Cabinetry

Our kitchen project has taken longer than we anticipated—Isn’t that everyone’s kitchen renovation story? When we took out the metal cabinets and flooring in August, we found issues with the walls and electrical that needed to be addressed before anything else could get started. Once the cabinets were in the house, they didn’t stay in their packaging long. A few days after we picked them up, they were installed in our kitchen (because of amazing help from family). It feels so good to have the new cabinets in place after designing and dreaming for months. We’re sharing our how-to process and our first ever behind the scenes video. Eee!

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Resources & Education, Process Lauren Day Resources & Education, Process Lauren Day

Color Blocking the Nursery Walls

Our main living area and master bedroom both were painted white when we first moved in. I think those spaces feel airy and have enough color with the furniture and accents we've chosen to have personality and depth. But I craved some colorful spaces sprinkled throughout our house. This small room that would one day be a playful nursery was a perfect spot for a little rebellion from the traditional feel of our house.

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Resources & Education Lauren Day Resources & Education Lauren Day

Interior Photography 101

One area that I had willfully decided I wouldn't ever be good at was photography. My mom went to UCLA for photography, some of best friends in high school, college and today are photographers. I worked in publishing with professional photographers. My husband is a professional photographer. I haven't wanted to fail at it so I figured I just shouldn't try.

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