Getting Back to House Projects


There’s been a peace around our house this fall and winter. Once we finished the entry way (well, mostly), we took a break from designing, dreaming and DIYing in our space. It’s not that the house is done—actually far from it. But it was at a good stopping point and Iowa is COLD.

On Saturday, Austin took some time to do something he had been dreading for months—Installing the heat vent into the entry way. The entry has looked beautiful but has felt freezing. Saturday’s 60 degree weather was a welcome change and I think the motivation Austin needed to do the grubby job of climbing through the crawl space with a flexible air duct. It has made a huge difference in how we can use that room as our tiny human loves to run in there and play in the “brrrrrr.” And we don’t.

What’s next?

We feel motivated by that one small, fairly quick change and have started dreaming about what’s next for our home. Our running list includes:

  • The master bathroom renovation

  • The stairwell renovation

  • Finishing the first room in the basement

  • New windows & exterior doors (scheduled for this march!!)

  • Adding storage to my office

  • Landscaping/creating a patio/fixing the retaining wall

  • Updating our bedroom furniture

That’s quite the range of projects, right? And it can be super overwhelming but thinking through it, I’d like to do the master bathroom renovation before the stairwell just incase we needed to bring anything up or down the stairs that could damage the walls or steps. And while I’d probably like to do it before getting new bedroom furniture, the bathroom project will be a ways off until we can save for it and meanwhile, our bed is falling apart. So I think the bedroom project and the office storage project might be highest on my list.

I’ve never had a bed that wasn’t just a metal frame and I feel so grown up looking at the options online. I mean I’m about to turn 31, so I guess I should feel old enough to pick out an upholstered or wooden bed, right?

Even if it’s already below freezing just a few days after Saturdays’ gorgeous weather, I’m going to keep the momentum going. More than budgets and established skills, projects need momentum and drive. At least around the Day house that is.


We're Moving Out!


A New, Old Space