We're Moving Out!

Did that title blow you away? It was shocking news to us, too. Thankfully, it's just for a few weeks while the lead painted windows are removed but we have to actually MOVE OUT. Like everything.

We are so fortunate to have found a lead-safe program that is doing this work for us. We had a nightmare when we hired a company to safely remove our lead siding. They followed zero of the EPA's laws and made our home and lawn riskier for our daughter. This time, the lead is getting removed safely because it's being done though our local public health department.

While it's definitely disruptive to have to move every single possession out of our home and into a Pod for a few weeks and then move it back, I'm trying to look at all the good things about having a clean start. When we moved in, we were living with plastic sheets over the doors, shop vacs on the floors, and multiple rooms full of debri daily. Once we found out we were pregnant with Hyler, the project list grew and the timeline shortened. The counters were installed 2 weeks before she arrived and the new furnace came when she was 4 days old. Things definintely got done as fast as possible. But in the transition, closets were stuffed, the basement was piled and the projects we couldn't get to in time got shut up and ignored.

We'll get the info about our contractor this week and my goal is to have them add on gutting our master bathroom. It seems like now or never to remove all of the gross rotten, possibly moldy structural pieces and get the space down to baseline. We can build it back up ourselves but getting it to that point has felt overwhelming with a kiddo that reacts to chicken, much less mold and asbestos being agitated. I'll gladly be misplaced for a few more days and spend more money to have the space be ready to be rebuilt when we move back it.

Another goal is to deep clean the house and do touch ups before anything comes back inside. We didn't originally move into a move-in-ready house but that doesn't mean it can't be this next time around. We've tackled almost every single space of this home and it'll feel so good knowing that it's as clean and pretty as possible when we move back in.

As I start thinking through packing and moving out in a few weeks, I also want this part of the process to be as efficient as possible for our futures. We've gathered junk. We are storing things we shouldn't have even moved from our last home. Now that we know how we use this space, we know what items we need and what items are just taking up space. I want to purge and donate as I pack things up so that when it's time to move it all back in, there's so much less to maintain and everything fits in our home better.

Did I scare you? Did you think we were abandoning this beautiful home we've recreated in the last two years? Thankfully, we're still in this home and thankfully, after we move out, it'll be even better for us here.


Refining Our Hideaway Home


Getting Back to House Projects