A New, Old Space

In one way, this room came quickly because it needed less attention than the other crazy rooms in our house. But it's also been a process creating it. We did what needed to be done first -- paint. And then added our furniture. It felt a little bare but was nice and comfortable to be in while we renovated the rest of the house.

Then we added these shelves which allowed me to style pieces that express us well. This spring, we found this incredible piece of artwork and immediately made the room feel layered. This summer, we rearranged the layout and purchased a new rug.

Since we moved in, this room has felt like home. We put it together with what we had that worked and it was great. And then we added and subtracted. And that was great too. We've known our wishlist items and have kept our eyes open and when the budget and the right piece align, we make progress.

This space has felt beautiful to me in almost every step and I think that's the beauty of designing a space at the start -- it can be satisfying in every stage, even when it's not technically done.

One thing I love about the new layout right away was that we use the sofa and chairs so much more than we did in the older arrangement. Hyler and I watch for dogs and kids walking down the sidewalk from the couch. Austin and I start our mornings reading in the green chairs.

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I love the chairs over here. Austin found this fun 1960s French Pop station and I sit in these chairs, listen to the playlist and work from my computer. It’s the dreamiest spot to work in the house.

Can’t you just hear the French pop in this photo?


Anyhow, this space has been flexible with us, allowing us to work on it when we want but feeling completely finished and homey when we’re exhausted from the rest of the house.


Getting Back to House Projects


Shifting Focus + What's Coming Next