The Living Room Design

Things look so different here. I can't believe we've only been working on this place for a week and a half. It's so encouraging how quickly things are taking shape but not having internet means I haven't been great at sharing it. We've had furniture since last friday but we just got curtains hung last night and are starting to hang art in the main living spaces which makes all the difference. I want to wait until we get our gorgeous new chairs from Article on Tuesday before I post too many living room shots but there's no harm in showing the design plan with you.

Some things in the moodboard below are already nixed. The artwork is going in our bedroom and the rug came much bluer than I was expecting but for the most part, it represents what's going on in our front living room.


Because the walls are white, I wanted to be conscious of making sure color would be evenly dispersed and cohesive so that it doesn't look bare. The sage colored velvet curtains are doing an amazing job are keeping things luxe and neutral but still with color. I think we'll add our pink Max Wagner cloud print between the living room and dining room to bring in even more color.

Everything happens on Tuesday -- the electrician comes, the internet gets set up and those gorgeous, deep olive-colored chairs arrive. I can't wait for this room to be fully pulled together.


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Starting from Scratch