It Happened!

We've been homeowners since Tuesday evening! As soon as we got the giant stack of paperwork signed, we went over to our house and started dancing around (me more so than Austin) in excitement. We only had a little time over there last night but we managed to do one of the most satisfying things: pull the awful 1970s window treatments down and actually see the windows. It was magical. The Day Shift blog is now in full swing. I feel like I can share more of our plans, progress and backstory now that the house is officially ours. 

This week the plan is to take before pictures of all the rooms (sans window treatments), cover the floors with contractor's paper, scrap the popcorn off of the ceilings, paint the walls and trim, fix some of the plumbing issues, and hopefully be in a good starting point by the end of the week to move our furniture over. Some rooms are going to take shape so quickly like the living room, dining room and master bedroom. In those rooms, it's really just cosmetic changes like paint and light fixtures. Our kitchen will be one of the first rooms to get some extra attention so I'll share our plans for that space later this week.


We are so excited to start on this renovation process if you can't tell. We'd love to hear your questions or advice if you have any!


Starting from Scratch


Welcome Home